Our races, united by a history long forgotten and a future we shall face together. I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message so that our past will always be remembered. For in those memories, we live on. - Optimus Prime

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


I have abandoned this ! I am still goin i just need a major catch up! Laptop broke for a few weeks so i couldnt get on so I got really behind ! but I WILL catch up! and post new pics soon!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Another Catch up!

My view out my kitchen window

New cushions I bought

Gracie enjoying the frost

Cakes Gracie and sophie made with Alan!Milky Bar ones!
The only photo I took this day !!

Rory enjoying his book

I'm sorry !

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Catch Up

The girls made Strawberry Tom & Jerry Cakes today ! I caught them in Mid Mix!

Gracie's drawing of Mickey Mouse and Cinderella = VERY proud Mummy Moment!

Cakes at Granny Phyllis's house ! She always lays out a fine spread when we go up ! It's hard to be on a diet in her house!

A random photo of our change bit in the car! I'm always losing this blinking coin thing for the trolleys at Morrisons so it now stays in the car and doesnt leave!